Moana Trivia Quiz – FREE PRINTABLE

Did you enjoy the Moana movie? Why not try this fun Moana trivia game. There’s a FREE printable at the end of the post as well to enjoy the game at home or whilst travelling.

We’ve included a Moana trivia game for kids with a FREE printable, and also a separate Moana trivia quiz with FREE printable too.

What Is The Moana Movie About?

1000 years ago, Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti, the sea goddess and darkness began to spread over the world.

On the island of Motonui, Moana is chosen by the sea to save the island and her people. She meets Maui and they set off across the ocean to save Motonui.

Moana is the 56th animated Disney movie to be released.

Moana trivia game

How To Play Moana Kids Trivia

There are 30 different Moana quiz questions included in this trivia game, and you can choose to play this trivia game in a variety of different ways.

The Moana quiz includes various questions covering the different characters and Moana facts from the movie.

Cut out the individual Disney quiz questions cards which have the answers on the bottom. Ask the questions and only reveal the card to the person who answers correctly. The winner of the game is the person with the most cards at the end of the game.

Cut the answers off the bottom of the question cards before you play, and offer a match the trivia questions to the answers for each player. The winner is the first person to match each question and answer correctly.

Offer out paper and pens, asking the questions and encouraging the players to write down the answers. The winner is the player who gets the most questions correct.

moana movie questions and answers

Ideas To Use The Moana Kids Quiz Printable

There are many different ideas to incorporate this Moana trivia quiz into your home. You could offer as part of a fun Disney trip reveal, or perhaps take the quiz questions with you as a way to keep the kids entertained when travelling.

How about at a children’s party as an ice breaker, or even as a family quiz night? Who will be the most competitive?

Moana Trivia Quiz Questions And Answers

What is the pet pig called in Moana?


What animal is Heihei?

A Rooster

How did Maui start the spread of darkness?

He stole the heart of Te Fiti

What year was Moana the movie released?


Moana trivia questions

What song does Maui sing to Moana?

You’re Welcome

What does Maui think tweeting is?

Using a bird to write with

What baby animal does Moana rescue?

Moana rescues a Sea turtle

What is the name of Moana’s Grandmother?

Moana’s Grandmother is called Tala

manta ray

What does Moana always say?

I am Moana of Motunui

What is Moana’s full name?

Moana Waialiki

What does Moana mean in Hawaiian?

Moana means Ocean in Hawaiian

What does Maui use his fish hook for?

Maui’s fish hook allows him to shape shift


What creature is Tamatoa?

Tamatoa is a giant crab

Name the coconut like pirate tribe?

The coconut like pirates are known as Kakamora

What’s the monster infested realm called?


What creature does Gramma Tala become after she does?

Gramma Tala becomes a manta ray after she dies

moana trivia game

What colour is Moana’s necklace?

Moana’s necklace is blue

What is hidden under the waterfall?

There is a secret cave under the waterfall

What’s the name of Moana’s mother?

Moana’s mother is named Sina

What is your favourite part of the movie?

Enjoyed this Disney trivia? Other Disney trivia questions games you may enjoy include

Moana Printable trivia quiz

Written By Angela Spicer

Angela Spicer has been enjoying family travel for over ten years. She has been on multiple trips to Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris, and also exploring various locations in the UK.

1 thought on “Moana Trivia Quiz – FREE PRINTABLE”

  1. I love moana movie i guess moana is the best disney princess ever


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