What Disney character am I? Can you guess all the Disney characters in this Disney Who Am I quiz with free printable to download.
Are you a true Disney fan? Why not check out this Disney quiz game suitable for all the family. There are multiple ways to play. From Disney princesses to Disney villains, and more characters and movies in between, how many will you guess correctly?
How To Play Disney Who Am I Quiz
There are 30 different Disney Who Am I quiz statements included in this trivia game, and you can choose to play this trivia game in a variety of different ways.
The Disney Who Am I quiz includes various statements covering the different characters and events from Disney movies.
- Cut out the individual Disney who am I quiz questions cards which have the answers on the bottom. Ask the questions and only reveal the card to the person who answers correctly. The winner of the game is the person with the most cards at the end of the game.
- Cut the answers off the bottom of the question cards before you play, and offer a match the trivia questions to the answers for each player. The winner is the first person to match each question and answer correctly.
- Offer out paper and pens, asking the questions and encouraging the players to write down the answers. The winner is the player who gets the most questions correct.
Ideas To Use The Disney Who Am I Quiz Printable
There are many different ideas to incorporate this Disney Who Am I trivia quiz into your home. You could offer as part of a fun Disney trip reveal, or perhaps take the quiz questions with you as a way to keep the kids entertained when travelling.
I recommend printing onto card rather than paper. When the cards have been individually cut out, you can deal them out as cards and use as question cards. This makes is a great game for long car journeys, or whilst waiting around to entertain the children.
How about at a children’s party as an ice breaker, or even as a family quiz night? Who will be the most competitive?
Disney Who Am I Questions And Answers
For the complete list of the Disney Who Am I trivia questions and answers, please download the printable at the end of this post. Here are a sample of some of the clues you can expect to find in this Disney trivia quiz.
Who am I? My sister is Drizella
I never grew up – who am I?
Peter Pan
My bedroom is in the attic – who am I?
I have a superpower that can freeze – who am I?
I like warm hugs – who am I?
My best friend is a monkey – who am I?
I was turned into a clock – who am I?
My Nephews are Huey, Dewey and Louie – who am I?
Donald Duck
Bonus Extra Disney Who Am I Riddles
Can you guess the Disney character? Why not bookmark this page to add a little extra fun into the printable game.
- I live in the street
- I steal food
- I was put in jail, only to get out
- I met a beautiful girl,
- I sing One Jump Ahead
Which Disney character am I? – Aladdin
- I am a Disney Princess
- I have brown hair
- I love to read
Which Disney character am I? – Belle
- I used to be the favourite
- But then someone else came in
- Now he is my best friend
Which Disney character am I? – Woody
- My skin is fair
- My lips are red
- I am waiting for my prince to come
Which Disney character am I? – Snow White
- You will always see me wearing green
- I am always flying
- I get jealous a LOT
Which Disney character am I? – Tinkerbell
- King Triton is my boss
- My job is to look after Ariel
Which Disney character am I? – Sebastian
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This Disney Who Am I Quiz is such a fun idea! I can’t wait to print it out and test my friends’ knowledge. Thanks for sharing this awesome printable!