Beauty And The Beast Trivia Quiz – FREE PRINTABLE

Beauty and the Beast is probably my favourite Disney film, and Belle is my favourite Disney Princess. For any Beauty and the Beast fan like me, this Beauty and the Beast Trivia game will be a must play.

When a curse is placed upon the Prince (also known as Prince Adam) when he refuses shelter to the enchantress. The enchantress sees no love in the Prince’s heart and places a curse on him which turns him into a beast. The curse can only be broken if the Beast finds true love before the last petal of the rose falls.

What gift does the beast give Belle? Do you know the answer? It’s his library full of books that Belle loves. How does Belle know her father is in the Beast’s castle when she arrives looking for him? Did you know his hat was outside the castle.

Related Post – Everything Beauty and the Beast at Disney World

Trivia games are a great idea for when you’re at home or in the car travelling somewhere. Playing at home can be done in a variety of ways with this free printable Beauty and the Beast trivia game which can be found at the end of the post.

beauty and the beast live on stage

How To Play Beauty And The Beast Trivia

There are 30 different Beauty and the Beast trivia questions with answers included. Some of the trivia questions are easier than others, meaning that everyone in the family can play and have a chance at answering the questions correctly.

Cut out the individual Disney questions cards which have the answers on the bottom. Ask the questions and only reveal the card to the person who answers correctly. The winner of the game is the person with the most cards at the end of the game.

You could cut the answers off the bottom of the question cards before you play, and offer a match the trivia questions to the answers for each player. The winner is the first person to match each question and answer correctly.

Offer out paper and pens, asking the questions and encouraging the players to write down the answers. The winner is the player who gets the most questions correct.

mrs potts and chip

Related Post – Disney Movie Emoji Challenge – Free Printable

Alternative Ways To Offer A Beauty And The Beast Trivia Game

Aside from playing at home with children or family, this trivia game could be played at children’s birthday parties, or as an ice breaker in group settings. 

If you’re travelling, or on a road trip, why not use the Beauty and the Beast quiz questions to keep the whole family thinking during the trip.

Beauty And The Beast Trivia Questions And Answers

For the complete list of questions and answers, please download the printable at the end of this post. Here are a sample of some of the Disney Beauty and the Beast questions you can expect to find in this trivia quiz.

How does Maurice get free from the Beast?

Belle takes his place

How many eggs does Gaston eat each day?

Five dozen eggs a day

What is Belle’s favorite thing to do?


Which wing of the castle is forbidden to Belle?

The West Wing

What does the beast do when he finds Maurice?

He holds him prisoner

What does the beast give to Belle?

His abandoned library

Who is Belle’s father?



Other Disney quiz questions and answers games you may enjoy

Beauty and the Beast trivia Game

Written By Angela Spicer

Angela Spicer has been enjoying family travel for over ten years. She has been on multiple trips to Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris, and also exploring various locations in the UK.

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